Blog Entries

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Donating, Part 2: The Adventure Continues

Last year I wrote a blog titled, “Donating? Remember, We Take *Almost* Everything…” 

To recap, it is a post with a humorous reminder (that was the intent, at least) about donating to our pop-up and major books sales. Using the adage, “If you wouldn’t want it on your shelf, then neither will our book sale shoppers,” we showed examples of exactly what is NOT wanted.

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What’s going on with Hoopla?

If you are an avid Hoopla user you might have experienced some difficulties in the past few weeks. Attempting to check something out has probably resulted in the following message:



Many of you have called the library wondering what is going on. Be assured that there is nothing wrong with your account if you are getting this message. It is definitely a library wide problem. 


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Banned Book Week

Book banning has been at an all time high the last four years. Each year, the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom reports higher and higher numbers of unique titles being challenged in public, academic, and school libraries. In 2023, over 4,000 books were challenged across the United States, with over 100 of those challenges coming from Missouri.

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Computer Classes at your Library

For many, the word “library” is synonymous with the word “books.” But if you’ve set foot in a public library recently, you know that libraries are much more than book warehouses. They’re bustling community centers that offer many different forms of entertainment and education, and our computer classes are no exception.

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How to Access MRRL's Digital Magazines

What’s Red, White, and 1’s and 0’s All Over?

The publishing industry is continually changing. You have no doubt noticed that many newspapers are now smaller, with others shuttering entirely. Many magazines have transformed from print-only to become digital or use a print-digital hybrid format.That changes how our library serves you as well. Over the past year, we have consolidated the number of newspapers and magazines we carry, but still offer several dozen with back issues available. Patrons can browse these at either branch.

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AAA, You're Adorable (all about anthologies)

Maybe you know the oldies enough to remember the song “A” You’re Adorable, popularized back in the late 1940’s by Perry Como and the Fontaine Sisters. 

I don’t know if “adorable” is the right word, but it certainly is nice to discover a new author, or perhaps a previously unknown short story by a favorite author. 

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Everything You Ever Wanted (or didn’t want) to Know about Kits


Many patrons love our Preschool and STEAM kits. They are perfect for grandparents wanting to entertain their grandkids during a weekend stay, homeschooled families who need hands-on learning tools, and parents who don’t want to spend money on toys that will be played with once or twice, only to be forgotten in the toy box until garage sale season. Whether you are a regular kit checker-outer or you are considering checking one out for the first time, here is everything you want to know (and maybe some things you don’t) about our kits.

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MRRL Librarian is Chair of the 2024 Printz Award Committee

We're excited to share the fantastic news that "The Collectors: Stories," edited by A.S. King and written by the author along with nine other talented writers, and published by Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House, has clinched the prestigious 2024 Michael L. Printz Award for Excellence in Young Adult Literature!

A huge congratulations to the entire team behind this collection of stories that has captured the hearts of readers everywhere.

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What To Do If You Damage or Lose a Library Book

What should you do if you damage a library book? Nothing, almost! Your options of what to do with a damaged library book really depend on what kind of damage it is. Most minor damage can be dealt with easily and painlessly with no cost to you, the patron. We are most forgiving when it comes to little things that we can repair.

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Madeline Matson Honored as Most Impactful Staff Member

Madeline Matson has been chosen as the 2023 Most Impactful Staff Member from City Magazine. The Impact Awards are an opportunity to recognize the people that make an impact in Jefferson City. Awardees are nominated by the public and recognized in City Magazine.  Madeline has worked at Missouri River Regional Library for almost 16 years, and in that time she has made a huge impact on the community.

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Proposition Library Frequently Asked Questions

We have thoroughly enjoyed getting out in the community to share information about Proposition Library! At each meeting, there have been similar questions asked and we thought you might have the same questions, so we wanted to share the answers. As more questions pop up, we'll be adding to this list. 


How long will the library be closed and where will you go?

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Books, Buildings, and Brews: The Next Chapter of Missouri River Regional Library

On June 29th, members of the community had the opportunity to learn more about the library's expansion plans. Director Claudia Young and Assistant Director Natalie Newville shared about library resources and the upcoming Proposition Library ballot initiative. Dan Maginn, Harison Pitchford, and Jack LaFontaine from Dake Wells Architecture shared about the building design and the process that went into the plan.

Watch the replay.

Important Dates for the August 8th Special Election.

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Claudia Young Honored as 2023 Women of Achievement Nominee

Library Director Claudia Young is a 2023 Women of Achievement Nominee, sponsored by the Zonta Club of Jefferson City Foundation. At the annual Women of Achievement “Yellow Rose Luncheon,” Zonta awards and acknowledges the accomplishments of ten to fifteen outstanding women from the Jefferson City area, nominated by individuals from the community and the Zonta Club membership. These women meet the criteria of being noted for their exceptional achievements in their chosen field or as a volunteer working to improve the community.

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2023 National Library Week

Missouri River Regional Library will join with libraries across the nation in celebrating National Library Week April 23-29, 2023.  This is the 65th year that libraries have celebrated NLW. 

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Co-Author The Next Chapter of Missouri River Regional Library on August 8th 

We have exciting news at Missouri River Regional Library! On Tuesday, April 18th our Board of Trustees voted to place Proposition Library on the August 8th ballot in Cole County. 

Prop L is an increase to the Library’s operating levy for the purpose of renovating and expanding the main library building in Cole County and increasing library collections, services, and programs. This will help expand library services for young children, students, seniors, small business owners, and others. Prop L would result in an average 2.5% property tax increase for most households.

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