The Girl with the Dragon Heart

The Girl with the Dragon Heart

Book Title:
The Girl with the Dragon Heart
Stephanie Burgis

Things have picked up since the events of The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart. Adventurine is still making chocolate wonders and Silke is trying to promote the shop. She catches the eye of the Crown Princess Katrin, who would like her to become a spy in the palace. The royal elves of Elfenwald are coming for a visit after hiding underground for a hundred years and everyone is on edge. Silke agrees but with a hidden agenda. Her parents disappeared as they were fleeing through Elfenwald and she wants to know what happened to them. Of course things do not go according to plan. Hidden agendas are revealed and new alliances must be made. 

I really enjoyed the first book in this series and was eagerly anticipating this one. It didn't have nearly enough chocolate or Adventurine for my tastes, but it was a fun spy story. Silke is an interesting character with a unique skill set. She can get herself into and out of lots of different situations. I particularly enjoyed Princess Sophie.