Saving Fable

Saving Fable

Book Title:
Saving Fable
Scott Reintgen

Indira has been waiting forever to be chosen to go to Fable. She just knows she is going to be the hero in a story. When she is finally chosen things don't go as planned. She fails her auditions and is put on the side character path at school. But her adopted family is great and she starts making friends. Then things start going wrong at Protagonist Preparatory. Students are missing, Indira's homework ends up blank even though she completed it, and her adviser gives her bad reports from her teachers. It is up to Indira and her friends to figure out what is going on before Fable is destroyed. 

I was entertained from start to finish with this book. I love the concept that characters are just waiting to be chosen by Authors. Reintgen adds all kinds of little details like the Marks (bookmarks) and dog-ears (they are dogs but they are also the dog-eared pages) to create a very imaginative world. While the villain was obvious I did enjoy the twist on her story.