I Have To Admit

I Have To Admit

I’m letting the world know for the very first time: I am an introvert and I’m proud of it!  Introvert is a misunderstood word in our society.  The extrovert is what people love to see; an outgoing, gregarious person.  Schools have arranged classrooms into circles and work places have open areas to facilitate ideas to hone in on the skills of the extrovert (this isn’t a negative thing but it leaves out the strengths of the introvert).

Introverts have this image of being shy, socially anxious, or not being able to relate to the world.  Most introverts have the energy that extrovert have (maybe more), but they like to take time to recharge.  Introverts are very self-aware, thoughtful, learn through observation, and can be quiet around large groups of people but open up with people they know.  

Many famous people are introverts:  Steven Spielberg, Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, President Obama and Meryl Streep to name a few.  All of these people are highly motivated and successful.  

Extrovert or Introvert: both styles are great and we need both to make our world a better place.  Carl Jung says no one can be completely one or the other, we all have both traits, and like our extrovert friends, we are very productive, have lots of energy and love people…we just like our quiet time to recharge, reflect and read a good book.