The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away

The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away

Book Title:
The Owls Have Come to Take Us Away
Ronald L. Smith

Simon knows all about aliens. He has been studying them for years and knows they are out there really abducting people. On a camping trip with his parents, Simon actually has an abduction experience. Of course no one believes him, but it keeps happening. He relies on his friends Tony and Miranda to help figure things out. His parents think he is crazy and send him to a psychiatrist to be medicated. But Simon knows something is coming.

Ronald Smith books are always a bit different and this was probably the strangest of them all. I think there were things that worked in this book and others that didn't. I don't get why the book Simon is writing was included, especially why full chapters were included. Sure it is supposed to help Simon work through what he is going on, but it was jarring and interrupted the flow of the story. I did like Simon's alien information and experiences. But what kid doesn't know what sour cream is? That might have been the strangest thing!