The Mad Wolf's Daughter

The Mad Wolf's Daughter

Book Title:
The Mad Wolf's Daughter
Diane Magras

Drest is the only one left after a raid takes her father and brothers. They are bound for Faintree Castle where they are to be hanged in 5 days. Also left behind is a wounded knight named Emerick. Drest is determined to use Emerick to free her family so they set off to Faintree Castle. They are joined on their journey by Tigg and have many adventures along the way, including freeing a witch about to be burned at the stake and discouraging a bandit from following them. This is not just a journey to free her family though. Drest is also learning more about herself and the world outside her protected cove. She learns that her father and brothers are not necessarily the hero warriors she thinks they are and that the world is not just black and white. There are many shades of gray in what people do. 

I loved Drest. She is strong and fierce and wildly loyal to her family. She is determined to free them no matter what the cost and she is creative enough to do it. I thought it was interesting that her family turns out not to be the heroes she thought they were but they also weren't the villains others thought they were either. Everyone has a reason and a story for what they do. I think this is a great lesson for kids to learn. I liked that this story is based in real history even though it may have a few supernatural aspects. I am actually going to have to read the sequel because I must know what happens with Drest and Emerick after the events of this book.