

Book Title:
Laura Sims

Recently divorced after a long struggle with infertility, the unnamed narrator of poet Sims' first novel clings to Cat, her ex-husband's pet that she never even liked. Sadly, work doesn't distract her from her misery. As a non-tenure-track lecturer at an overpriced, second-rate city school, she has only one class this semester, a poetry survey for a handful of students (one of whom seems to be hitting on her). She finds her sole joy in watching her famous actress neighbor take walks with her kids, go out for runs, and sip wine with her handsome husband inside the kitchen of her beautiful brownstone. The narrator avidly collects the actress' films and the hand-me-downs she leaves on her stoop, and thinks her desire for a friendship with the gorgeous celebrity might be mutual people could even mistake them for one another. Readers fond of protagonists who profess to guzzling wine at nine a.m. will breeze right through this one's bad decisions, moments of shocking clarity and cruelty, and no spoilers! total undoing. A dark and stylish drama featuring a self-aware yet unstable narrator.--Annie Bostrom Copyright 2018 Booklist