The Lighthouse Between the Worlds

The Lighthouse Between the Worlds

Book Title:
The Lighthouse Between the Worlds
Melanie Crowder

Griffin lives with his father tending a lighthouse on the Oregon coast. His mother died a few years ago and it has just been Griffin and his dad. Their peaceful life is interrupted by an alarm going off and the arrival of a team of people in strange outfits. Griffin follows them to the lighthouse and sees his dad get sucked into the glass. Turns out the lighthouse is connected to other worlds; worlds not necessarily friendly to Earth. Griffin manages to follow his dad to the world of Sumi. There he encounters enslaved resisters who bring him into their group. With their help he works to rescue his dad and stop the Sumis from enslaving all the worlds. 

This is an interesting concept for a book, but it wasn't my favorite. I appreciated Griffin's perseverance in finding his dad, but I was actually more interested in the Vinean resistance and Fiona. I actually thought the addition of Earth as one of the worlds made the story less interesting than if it was just other worlds. This is the beginning of a series so there are a lot of things left unanswered that I am sure will be explored in future books.