Extraordinary Birds

Extraordinary Birds

Book Title:
Extraordinary Birds
Sandy Stark-McGinnis

December thinks she is a bird. She knows one day her wings will sprout from the scar on her back and she will fly away. Until then she has to practice by eating seeds and jumping from trees. Her new foster mom Eleanor is different from the others. She doesn't make December eat other food and she lets her help with the birds at the bird sanctuary. December's mom left when she was little, but left December a book on birds and the story of December becoming a bird. As December settles in with Eleanor and makes friends at school, she has to face some truths about herself and her past. 

I am not sure what I think about this book to be honest. It was an interesting look at a girl in foster care and how she finds her place. But it is also a book about a girl with some serious delusions that are not properly dealt with at all in the story. I appreciate Eleanor's patience and willingness to take December in. I loved Cheryllynn and the friendship that develops between her and December. I just wish more had been done to deal with December's mental state.