Dragon Pearl

Dragon Pearl

Book Title:
Dragon Pearl
Yoon Ha Lee

Min is a fox with the ability to shapeshift and wield "charm" magic. When she finds out her brother has deserted the space force in search of the magical dragon pearl she goes looking for answers. She makes her way to his old ship and takes the shape of a recently deceased cadet. She discovers the location of the dragon pearl and takes off to find it. 

I can't believe I actually finished this book because I disliked almost all of it. What I liked was the fact that it is based off of Korean mythology and written by a Korean author. And that is it. What I disliked was numerous. 

The story itself isn't horrible, but the writing and the characters make it hard to enjoy. Min has magical abilities and that is the basis of her story. She gets in trouble, she uses charm. She finds herself in a tight spot, she uses charm. She needs information, she uses charm. Basically she uses charm or shapeshifts all the time. In most fantasy novels, the main character may have magical abilities but that is not all they have. They are smart and learn through experience, they figure things out, they use their wits to get out of situations. Not Min, she just uses charm. She never learns, she never grows, she just throws magic at the situation. And she can do anything! Seriously anything. There are no mistakes, no situations she can't get out of. Nope she triumphs always. She even uses the dragon pearl when that is supposed to be only dragons. It was tedious in the extreme and seemed to be sloppy writing. 

The other characters are not memorable to even mention and the ending was just the cap of an already bad book. Don't bother.