Patron Code of Conduct

Patron Code of Conduct

Behavior and Use of the Facility Policy:

The Missouri River Regional Library Board of Trustees strives to maintain safe and secure facilities for public library service. The Library Board and staff have the right and responsibility to protect the safety of all library patrons and to maintain order on library property, which includes setting rules of behavior and regulations for the use of library buildings. These rules do not replace or preclude the use of good judgment on the part of library staff in specific situations.

Approved: August 21, 2018


Patron Code of Conduct:

In order to fulfill its mission, the Missouri River Regional Library is committed to providing a safe and positive atmosphere for patrons in our libraries. Any behavior that threatens this atmosphere will not be tolerated. Such behavior includes the harassment of patrons or staff, any interference with staff members in the performance of their duties, lingering in the children’s area without library intent, and any other behavior that would interfere with legitimate library activity. Library users who fail to behave responsibly, or who act in violation of our policies, may be asked to leave or trespassed from the premises for a length of time determined by the Library Director.

In accordance with the patron code of conduct:

  1. Noise levels will be kept to a minimum within the library.
  2. The library and its grounds are an alcohol, smoke, tobacco, vapor, and drugfree environment.
  3. Service animals are welcome in the library and must be on a leash.
  4. Solicitation of funds and sales of goods by the general public are not allowed on library property except as requested by the Library, or on behalf of the Library Friends or Foundation.
  5. Drinks with secure lids are permitted. Food is not allowed, unless it is in a meeting room or at a Library-sponsored event.
  6. Theft or damage of library property will result in loss of library privileges.

The following behaviors and actions are prohibited on Library property:

  1. Disobeying the reasonable direction of a library staff member.
  2. Harassment on the basis of a particular individual's race, color, age, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, veteran status, martial status, or disability. 
  3. Intentional annoyance of any patron or staff member.
  4. Behavior that is disruptive to library use.
  5. Interfering with staff members in the performance of their duties.
  6. Lingering in the children’s area without library intent.
  7. Any state of undress, including lack of shoes.
  8. Indecent conduct or exposure of one’s person.
  9. Using abusive or foul language.
  10. Skateboarding, rollerblading and roller-skating.
  11. Being in non-public areas of the Library without permission.
  12. Public intoxication.
  13. Possessing large objects that block access or impede safety.
  14. Lack of personal hygiene to such an extent that it interferes with library use by others.
  15. Excessive use of fragrance, perfume or cologne.
  16. Cell phone use in undesignated areas.
  17. Leaving children 10 and under unattended.


Patrons who break the above patron code of conduct and list of prohibited behaviors may be approached by a library employee and asked to stop the behavior, if they refuse to cooperate they will be asked to leave the library. If the patron refuses to leave, law enforcement will be notified.

Incidents of prohibited or illegal behavior may result in banishment from library property. In such cases, the library director will notify the patron in writing if possible and may notify local authorities.

With regard to service animals, staff may ask a person to remove a service animal when that animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the safety of others or if its behavior is disturbing other library users. When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, limited inquiries are allowed. Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the service animal been trained to perform. Staff may not ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the service animal, or ask that the service animal demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task. Comfort animals are not allowed. No other animals are allowed in library buildings or on the Library bookmobile unless as part of a Library-sponsored event.