Just Jaime

Just Jaime

Book Title:
Just Jaime
Terri Libenson

It is the last day of seventh grade and Jaime and her best friend Maya are on the outs. Ever since Celia joined their group things have been getting awkward for Jaime. She doesn't like the same "mature" things the others like. So on the last day of school, Celia makes Maya break up with her. Jaime is heartbroken but finds there are other kids who have similar interests to her and who she has been ignoring while in her group.

Maya feels bad about breaking up with Jaime, but believes it is the best thing for the group. Her guilt eats away at her and she starts noticing just how mean Celia is. Does she really want to be friends with Celia? Why does she miss Jaime so much if she doesn't like her anymore? 

I don't know any middle school girls who have not experienced something similar to Jaime and Maya's story. Girls can be mean, especially during these puberty years when the hormones are rampaging like crazy. Kids are maturing at different rates and have different interests and sometimes that brings out a cattiness that can't be controlled. I thought this book perfectly captured that time of life and the things that can help make you the person you are going to be.